Ever since the inception of ChatGPT, writers around the globe have been intrigued. How does one utilize this powerful tool to craft articles that sound, well, human? Dive into our comprehensive guide where we unravel the art of crafting human-esque content using the AI chatbot.

Here are our TOP Hacks to make ChatGPT write more human-like:

1. Human Touch is Everything

This hack is very important, because your approach sets the tone from the very start of your conversation with it.

Let’s get real here. If someone handed you a paintbrush and told you to paint a masterpiece without ever having seen a painting, you’d be in a pickle, right? That’s kind of how this digital assistant feels if you throw it a topic without any context. But when you’ve immersed yourself in a topic, it’s like giving ChatGPT a museum tour before handing over that paintbrush.

Start by Googling your topic and skimming through the first-page results. It’s a gold mine! You’ll see the most recent and relevant info, which gives you a hint about what readers are currently hungry for. Google’s first-page results reflect what’s trending and relevant.

Imagine you’re researching the impact of coffee on human health. Instead of breezing through one post, dive into multiple pieces. Some might say coffee reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s. Others might rave about how it boosts metabolism. But hey, there might also be a few discussing its downsides like causing jitters or affecting sleep.

Now, let’s see the difference in approach.

The “Not-so-prepared” Way:

You: “Hey ChatGPT, write me an article about coffee and health.”

ChatGPT: “Coffee is a popular beverage known for its stimulating effects. It has various health implications, both positive and negative…”

The “I’ve-done-my-homework” Way:

You: “ChatGPT, I’ve come across diverse views on coffee. Some articles highlight its potential in reducing Alzheimer’s risk and boosting metabolism, while others caution about its side effects like causing jitters. Can you craft a balanced article discussing these?”

ChatGPT: “Certainly! Coffee, the aromatic elixir of life for many, comes with its bouquet of benefits and caveats. On one hand, researchers have illuminated its potential in warding off Alzheimer’s and supercharging our metabolism. Yet, on the flip side, some folks find themselves battling those pesky jitters or counting sheep till dawn due to that evening espresso…”

See the difference? Before letting it take the wheel, immerse yourself in the topic. Research diverse articles on the subject, assimilating their tone, content, and style. When you feed these insights to this intelligent chat interface, you’re essentially guiding it, not just letting it run amok. So, remember, while it is smart, it’s the human touch, your touch, that transforms an article from “meh” to “magnificent”.

2. Engage in a Q&A Session

Before writing, ask questions about your topic. This can help in brainstorming and framing your piece better.

Let’s break it down with an example:

Say you’re writing about “The Benefits of Urban Gardening.” Instead of jumping straight into the article, kick things off with a Q&A.

You: “Hey ChatGPT, what’s the big deal with urban gardening anyway?”

ChatGPT: “Well, urban gardening is super cool for a bunch of reasons. It’s eco-friendly, promotes healthy eating, and can even be a form of therapy!”

You: “Okay, interesting. But aren’t there challenges too?”

ChatGPT: “Absolutely! Space is limited in urban areas, and there’s also the issue of pollution affecting plants. But with the right techniques, these challenges can be navigated.”

By engaging in this back-and-forth, you’re not just getting info – you’re framing the narrative, setting the tone and taking ideas and finalizing your thoughts before the next step of writing your right and accurate prompt. By the time you’re ready to write, you’ve already got a clearer picture in your head, making the actual writing process smoother and more enjoyable.

3. The Art of Prompting

Your prompt is the foundation upon which it builds the content. The more refined and descriptive it is, the better.

Alright, let’s play pretend. Imagine this dialogue system as your slightly nerdy friend at a party. The kind of friend who knows a little about everything. Now, how you ask them a question could determine whether you get a two-word reply or a delightful conversation filled with insights. It’s the same with ChatGPT.

Your prompt is like an appetizer for the main course—it sets the stage. Think of it as your chance to intrigue, inform, and instruct the AI chatbot about what’s on your mind. The juicier your prompt, the tastier your article!

The “Meh, That’ll Do” Approach:

You: “ChatGPT, tell me about AI.”

ChatGPT: “AI, or Artificial Intelligence, refers to machines that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence…”

The “Roll Out the Red Carpet” Approach:

You: “ChatGPT, paint me a picture! Imagine it’s 2050 and we’re looking back at the evolution of AI in healthcare. I want to feel the progress, the struggles, and the milestones, sprinkled with real studies and jaw-dropping stats.”

ChatGPT: “The year is 2050. As we glance back, the journey of AI in healthcare seems nothing short of a sci-fi odyssey. From its tentative steps in early diagnostics to its groundbreaking role in personalized medicine by 2030, AI revolutionized patient care. Who could forget the landmark 2025 study that showcased how AI reduced diagnostic errors by a staggering 60%?…”

See what just happened there? A vivid, well-framed prompt can transport you (and your readers) to a whole different realm. So next time, before hitting it with a question, take a moment. Fine-tune your curiosity and spend more time on your prompt.

Here’s a neat prompt trick for writing articles that we at BNGai have tested:

This prompt will analyze all of the content that is in [CONTEXT] and it will write you an article, including the most important keywords for the topic and according to the Google E-A-T guidelines, so that it could help it rank higher in the search engines from a SEO point of view. In [ADDITIONAL INFORMATION] you could specify your requirements, key points, writing styles, etc. to achieve your goal of writing very useful and detailed content on any topic.

4. Mastering the Writing Styles

Just like in the real life of a writer, with ChatGPT, you can experiment with various writing styles. It really depends on the topic you want to write about and the impression you want to leave on the reader. Here’s a deep dive into some popular ones:

Marketing Styles:

  • AIDA: Attention, Interest, Desire, Action – a classic formula for sales and advertising.
  • PAS: Problem, Agitate, Solve – dive deep into a problem and present a solution.
  • PASTOR: Problem, Amplify, Solution, Testimony, Offer, Response – an evolved version of PAS.

Content Creation:

  • STAR: Situation, Task, Action, Result – especially potent for storytelling.
  • SOAR: Situation, Obstacle, Action, Result – a variant of STAR, focusing on overcoming challenges.

Journalistic Approach:

  • Gonzo Journalism: Not just stating facts, but including the journalist’s personal experiences and opinions.


  • PEEL: Point, Evidence, Explanation, Link – especially effective for argumentative essays.
  • FAB: Features, Advantages, Benefits – breaking down product descriptions.

If these styles feel a tad overwhelming, you can use simple descriptors like “conversational” tone, or ask for a “persuasive”, “analytical”, “informative” article. ChatGPT will do its best to comply!

5.Draft Multiple Times

Don’t settle for the first draft. Experiment with different prompts to get varied outputs.

Writing – even with ChatGPT – can sometimes take a few tries to get just right.

So, here’s the main rule: don’t get too cozy with the first draft it throws at you. The beauty of AI is its ability to produce varied content with just a little tweak in your prompt.


Let’s say you want a story on “sustainable fashion trends”.

First Prompt: “Describe sustainable fashion trends for 2023.”

Result: You might get a general overview, touching on major points.

Feeling adventurous? Let’s spice it up!

Second Prompt: “Give me a sassy rundown of sustainable fashion trends turning heads in 2023.”

Result: Now, you’re in for a treat! Expect a playful, lively article with a dash of sass.

The trick is to play around, experiment, and get a feel for what works best for your desired tone and content depth. So, don’t put all your faith in one draft. Get those creative ideas flowing, have a chat with it like you would with a co-writer over coffee, and keep refining until you’re nodding your head, thinking, “Yep, that’s the one!”.

6. Manual Check

Harnessing the power of a tool as advanced as ChatGPT is truly a boon for content creators. It’s like having a highly-skilled assistant at your fingertips, ready to draft posts at lightning speed. But here’s the thing: as impressive as AI can be, it still doesn’t possess the nuanced understanding, the cultural context, or the intricate touch of a human being.

Once it spits out your article, that’s where your role truly begins. Dive into that content. Feel its rhythm. Is it repeating certain phrases or terms? Sometimes, the AI can over-emphasize points, leading to redundancy. Spot these areas and streamline them. Did it use a ten-dollar word when a simpler one would convey the message more directly? Swap it out. You can save time by automating the process using any online checker for finding repeating words in your text.

Beyond just the technical cleanup, think about the soul of the story. How can you infuse it with your unique voice or perspective? Maybe add an anecdote or a personal observation. While this AI assistant provides a sturdy and well-researched framework, it’s your insights and personal touches that turn a good piece of content into a great one.

In a nutshell, think of it this way: ChatGPT lays down the musical notes, but you are the maestro who orchestrates the final symphony. The AI may do the heavy lifting, setting the stage and providing the tools, but those all-important finishing touches? That’s when an article transitions from being entirely AI-written to being human-written with the assistance of AI.

Wrapping Up

So, tools like ChatGPT? They’re game-changers in the writing arena. They do most of the heavy lifting, but there’s a few secret hacks to making that content truly shine – and that’s where you come in. A dash of human finesse, some organizing on your end, and voilà! What was purely AI-written now feels authentically human. With the tried-and-true hacks from our BNGai team, you’re setting yourself up to harness the power of AI while keeping things genuine and relatable. It’s like having the best of both worlds on your writing desk!