The process to choose a brand name is more than just a creative exercise; it’s an important decision that can shape your business’s identity, dictate its future, and play a crucial role in its success or failure. 

A brand name is not merely a label; it’s a powerful tool that encapsulates the essence of your product, service, or entire enterprise. A compelling name can spark interest, evoke emotion, and most importantly, remain lodged in a consumer’s memory. Conversely, a poorly chosen name can leave you languishing in the shadows, indistinguishable in a sea of competitors. The challenge is immense and often intimidating. 

You’re faced with myriad considerations, from simplicity and memorability to domain availability and potential trademark issues. Thankfully, there is a roadmap to navigate through this intricate landscape. 

This article aims to be your comprehensive guide in this process, offering 13 proven methods to help you brainstorm, evaluate, and ultimately decide on a brand name that not only resonates with your target audience but also stands the test of time. 

So whether you’re launching a startup, rebranding an existing business, or just curious about the art and science behind brand names, read on to discover creative ways to make a name that sticks.

1. Why Domain Availability Isn’t Everything

Securing a .com domain often feels like a mandatory step in naming your brand, but it’s not the only path to success. In the modern digital age, many thriving companies started their journey with alternative domain extensions. 

For instance, Tesla began as, and Facebook was once known as The key takeaway? Your brand’s success is not solely determined by having a .com address.

Moreover, the digital landscape now offers a wealth of creative domain extensions, like .app, .guru, and .marketing, which can resonate just as strongly with your target audience. If a matching .com isn’t available, businesses frequently adapt by slightly tweaking their brand name for the domain, without sacrificing the essence of their brand. 

“A great brand is a story that’s never completely told. A brand is a metaphorical story that connects with something very deep—a fundamental appreciation of mythology.”

Scott Bedbury, Marketing Expert

So, if you’re feeling boxed in by the scarcity of .com domains, remember you have options. Use our free tools, BNGai’s Domain Name Generator, to discover an unlimited number of domain names that fit your industry. We also do an instant domain availability check for you.

2. Back to Basics: The Fundamentals Always Work

The process to choose a brand name doesn’t have to be a complicated affair. Sometimes, it’s the simplest ideas that resonate most with people. Keeping your brand name short, easy to spell, and memorable can go a long way in making your brand a household name.

Consider this: when you choose a brand name that is straightforward and easy to remember often gains traction quicker in the market. We can take cues from iconic brands like Apple, Nike, or Ford—names that are both simple and impactful.

Your brand is what other people say about you when you’re not in the room.” – Jeff Bezos, Amazon Founder

Conventional wisdom like alliteration can also prove useful. Names like Coca-Cola, PayPal, and Dunkin’ Donuts have proven that alliteration can make a brand name catchy and unforgettable. And if you can encapsulate the essence of your brand in just a few words, you’re already a step ahead.

Remember, the basics have endured for a reason: they work. So don’t overlook the fundamentals when you choose a brand name.

3. The Role of Conversational Context

One underestimated factor when you choose a brand name is how it performs in casual conversations. Picture this: you’re at a casual gathering, a dinner party, or even a networking event. Someone asks you what you do for a living. The real test is whether you can explain your business in one sentence, including your brand name, without causing any confusion.

Imagine the reaction when you say, “I run [Your Brand Name].” Does it spark intrigue, or does it fall flat? Do people want to know more, or do they seem puzzled? If your brand name immediately conveys what you do and captures attention, it’s a winner.

“As soon as you have to start explaining your brand, you’ve already lost.”

Sean Combs, aka P. Diddy, Entrepreneur and Musician

And let’s face it, if people can’t remember your brand name or pronounce it easily, they’re less likely to talk about it. Word of mouth is still one of the most potent forms of advertising, so make sure your name naturally fits into everyday conversation.

This “Social Gathering Test” is an excellent way to gauge how well your name will be received by the general public. So before finalizing your brand name, say it out loud multiple times, test it in conversations, and observe the reactions you get. This simple exercise could provide invaluable insights into the effectiveness of your chosen name.

4. Considering Voice Search Platforms

With voice search platforms like Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant, and Cortana becoming more integrated into our daily lives, it’s essential to consider how easily your brand name can be understood by these AI systems. A name that doesn’t translate well to voice search could create a barrier between you and potential customers.

“Your brand name should be like a good book title—suggestive, easy to remember, and indicative of the content.

Richard Branson, Entrepreneur and Business Magnate

A straightforward way to test this is to simply speak your prospective brand name into your voice-activated device and see what comes up. 

If the device struggles to understand you, or if the search results are far from your industry, it might be worth reconsidering the name or its pronunciation.

5. Unlock Creativity with Mind Mapping

When naming your brand, it’s easy to get stuck in a loop of specific keywords or industry jargon. Mind mapping can help you think outside the box and explore a variety of themes, emotions, and concepts that relate to your business. 

This process can be particularly beneficial for connecting seemingly disparate ideas and finding the common thread that ties your brand together.

Start by jotting down words that resonate with the essence of your brand, even if they’re not directly related. Look for synonyms, antonyms, or related terms that evoke the feelings you want your brand to convey. Don’t limit yourself; sometimes the most out-of-the-box concepts can make the most compelling brand names.

By using mind maps to visualize these connections, you may stumble upon a name that encapsulates your brand perfectly – something you might not have thought of in a more linear brainstorming session.

6. Exploring Foreign Languages

Integrating words from foreign languages can infuse your brand name with unique flair and cultural nuance. For instance, if your brand has a romantic or luxurious vibe, borrowing a word from French could emphasize that sentiment. Alternatively, a tech brand might benefit from a sleek and modern-sounding Japanese term.

Companies like Häagen-Dazs and Volkswagen have successfully leveraged foreign language words to create a global brand identity that resonates with consumers. 

The language you choose should align with your brand ethos and help paint a vivid picture of what your business stands for.

7. The Art of Word Invention

When existing words fail to capture the spirit of your brand, why not invent your own? Unique, made-up words can not only make your brand stand out but also offer better chances of domain availability.

Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.”

Steve Jobs, Entrepreneur and Business Magnate

Take brands like Kodak, Google, or Spotify as examples. These names, coined by their founders, have no meaning outside the context of their respective businesses, yet they are now iconic in their industries. 

Crafting a new word can involve modifying an existing one, combining two words, or even making random yet memorable sounds work in your favor.

Remember that the goal is to create a name that is easy to remember, spell, and say. Once it passes those tests and encapsulates the essence of your brand, you could be on your way to creating the next big brand name.

8. Scrabble: More Than Just a Game

Who knew that a family game night could provide business insights? When picking a brand name, consider the Scrabble strategy. Letters like Q, Z, J, K, and X are not just high-value in the game but also in the world of branding.

“The mind once enlightened cannot again become dark.”

Thomas Paine, Political Philosopher and Writer

These uncommon letters are more memorable simply because they are less frequently used in the English language. Brands like Zynga and Klout have capitalized on this, making their names stick out in consumers’ minds. 

Don’t be afraid to play around with these high-scoring letters when brainstorming your brand name. They could very well make your brand the triple-word score in the game of business.

9. The Importance of Rigorous Testing

Your brand name isn’t just a word; it’s the first impression people will have of your business. Therefore, it’s crucial to rigorously test your chosen name before launching it into the world.

“Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot, but make it hot by striking.”

William Butler Yeats, Poet

A/B testing can be a great method for this, especially when done across different demographics. Create landing pages with your potential brand name and see how they perform in terms of customer engagement and conversion rates. 

Tools like Google Analytics or specialized branding survey platforms can give you invaluable data. Also, don’t underestimate the power of good old-fashioned word-of-mouth. Ask friends, family, and even strangers for their opinions. You’ll often receive the most honest feedback this way.

By the end of this testing phase, you’ll have a name that not only you love but also resonates with your target audience.

10. Letting Go of the ‘Perfect Name’ Notion

The quest for the ‘perfect’ brand name can turn into a never-ending spiral of indecision and revisions. Here’s the reality – no name will please everyone.

Adopt the “good enough” principle. This doesn’t mean settling for mediocrity but accepting that your brand name should be functional, memorable, and aligned with your business values. 

Once you’ve conducted your research, brainstorming, and testing, trust the process and make a decision.

11. Understanding Consumer Psychology

Your brand name isn’t just a name; it’s a psychological trigger that can dramatically affect consumer behavior. The simplicity of a name can make it more memorable, while its length can determine how easily it’s remembered or forgotten.

“Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind.”

Rudyard Kipling, Author and Poet

Names with emotional connotations can tap into deeper psychological triggers. For example, a name like ‘Uber’ conveys an impression of superiority and efficiency, while ‘Coca-Cola’ evokes a sense of nostalgia and refreshment.

Understanding these psychological elements can help you craft a name that doesn’t just describe your business, but also resonates emotionally with your target audience.

12. Learning from Past Mistakes and Successes

The history of branding is filled with triumphant stories as well as cautionary tales. A name like “Apple” defied the norm by not being explicitly related to technology, yet it became synonymous with innovation. On the other end, a brand name like “Yahoo!” eventually became associated with outdated technology and services.

There is no teacher like history. To understand is to learn from both triumphs and tragedies.”

Gary Vaynerchuk, Entrepreneur

Understanding the stories behind these brand names, whether they succeeded or failed, can offer invaluable lessons. 

Look at the market reaction, the brand recall, and the ease with which these names could be integrated into everyday language. Learning from these examples can guide you in making an informed decision for your own brand name.

13. Utilizing Business Name Generators

Automated tools like our BNGai’s Business Name Generator can serve as a great resort when you choose a brand name. It can churns out unlimited combinations of words and styles that you may not have thought of.

However, relying on a name generator should not be your first step in the process. It’s easy to be swayed by a snazzy name that the generator throws out, but remember that the best brand names often have a story, strategy, and deep-rooted meaning behind them.

By utilizing a business name generator as one of your final steps, you can combine automated creativity with thoughtful strategy, increasing the odds of landing on a brand name that resonates.


In conclusion, naming your brand is a crucial but challenging task that plays a significant role in your future success. From considering domain availability to using Scrabble letters, and from delving into consumer psychology to learning from history, we’ve outlined 13 creative approaches to help you navigate this intricate process. 

While the “perfect” name may remain elusive, the right name – one that embodies your brand and resonates with your target audience – is certainly attainable. 

Don’t be afraid to think outside the box, consult a variety of resources, and embrace the journey as a valuable opportunity for brand development. Good luck!